
Nexus One 秘技 hidden menu

Nexus One 秘技 hidden menu

Dailer 打*#*#4636#*#*
2.2 有 5 個 menu
(2.1 有 4 個 menu ?)

There is a hidden "Testing" menu on the Nexus One and most other Android devices that can be accessed by typing *#*#4636#*#* from the phone's keypad. It will bring up 4 categories: Phone Information, Battery Information, Battery History, and Usage Statistics.

Another hidden function can be accessed by dialing *#*#2432546#*#* which will "check in" to Google's servers. This will force your Nexus One to search for patches and updates immediately. Another hidden function can be found by dialing *#*#2347#*#* which is for "CFU query" when 'camp-on' is off or on.



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