[facebook game] restaurantcity 餐廳排位攻略
我仲係 level 8, 不過睇左play fish forum
有d 心得
我的 level 8 餐廳
1. 1 個廚房仔, 3 張檯 (寧願不夠位)
2. 唔好比waiter 行 (or 行禁遠)
3. 唔好買貴爐, (d 爐一樣快)
4. 買遊戲機, (要做機鋪)
5. 去 8下有冇新 friend 玩
Recommended Layouts
2 Cooks, 1 Waiter
3 Cooks, 1 Waiter
(Special thanks to Orphaen)
3 Cooks, 2 Waiters
Keep the same layout as above (3 Cooks, 1 Waiter), because you'll need more cooks to handle more tables.
4 Cooks, 2 Waiters
5 Cooks, 2 Waiters
layout from
whatsapp spam
12 年前